Hello, This is CameraFi Studio team.

We provide scoreboards for broadcasting and recording various sports events, helping you run amateur games just like professional ones.

Utilize the features of CameraFi Studio to preserve high-quality video footage of your matches!


Here is a guide on using the pickleball scoreboard.

1. Widget

This is the basic pickleball scoreboard widget.

Pickleball 1, 2, 3: Match name, home and away player names, match score.

Pickleball Match Info: Match name, home and away player names.

2. Control

Pickleball uses one type of controller, and hotkeys can be registered to scoreboard settings.

1) Match Setting

You can choose whether to apply deuce to the game.

Deuce ON

In deuce situations, a set ends when there is a difference of 2 points or more.

Deuce OFF

The set ends when the ending score is reached.

Serve Begins

Before starting the set, you can select which team, home or away, begins serving. If the serving team changes before the next set, changing the serve start will reflect at the beginning of the next set.\

Points to win a set

You can select the score at which a set ends.

Points to win a set, based on the rule of the sport, are 11, 15, or 21. When the ending score is reached, the game score buttons are disabled.

2) Scoreboard Settings

Serve ON

Clicking the side out button changes the serving right and is reflected on the scoreboard.

Serve OFF

You must manually click the team's button on the scoreboard holding the serve right, and logging a side out will record it.

Game Score

The player holding the serve is displayed in the score area, and only that player (or team) can score according to the rules. You can revert the previously entered score using the undo button, and the log is also deleted.


Logs of fouls by home or away players can be recorded. Clicking the undo button deletes the last entered log.

Doubles Controller

The player holding the serve is displayed at the top of the button and marked as Home 1, Home 2 for away 1, away 2, corresponding to the position of the button.

Serve ON: At the start of each set, if the home team holds the serve, it operates according to the doubles pickleball rules.

3) Period of Match

You can distinguish between each match, and there are buttons for up to 3 sets.

If the serve changes when a set changes, you must change it in 'Serve Begins' before clicking the set button. Once the selected ending score is reached in the game settings and the next set is clicked, the game score is activated, and you can enter the score.