Hi, this is the CameraFi STUDIO team!

This is the Basketball, Football Custom CSS user guide.

How can I use CSS Editor basics? Refer to Custom CSS user guide.


You can copy & paste to the color you want, refer to the color table.


🏀 Basketball 🏀

#home-foul, #away-foul: Foul field

#quarter: Quarter field

#timer: Share timer and quarter field on widget 3 

[Widget 1, 4]

#attack-timer: Attack time timer

[Widget 2]

HOME and AWAY team color can be changed on [Color]

[Widget 3, 4]

#home-foul-stick, #away-foul-stick: Foul stick mark field

📌 This is example of basketball widget 3 custom CSS code.

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Kanit:wght@200&display=swap');

*{font-family: 'Kanit', sans-serif;}




#home{background: khaki; color:black;}

#home-score{background: gold; color:black;}

#away{background: lightgreen; color:black;}

#away-score{background:mediumseagreen; color:black;}

#home-foul{background: black; color:white;}

#home-foul-stick{background: red;}

#away-foul{background: black; color:white;}

#away-foul-stick{background: red;}

[Widget 5]

This is example of basketball widget 5 custom CSS code.

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Kanit:wght@200&display=swap');

*{font-family: 'Kanit', sans-serif;}

#scoreboard{background:black; color:cornflowerblue}


🏈 Football 🏈

#home-timeout, #away-timeout: Home and Away timeout field

#quarter: Quarter field

#possession: A team that currently owns the ball

#down-yard: Down and yard field

📌 This is example of football widget custom CSS code.

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Tilt+Neon&display=swap');

*{font-family: 'Tilt Neon', sans-serif;}

#title{background:silver; color: black;}

#quarter{background: darkgreen; color: white;}

#timer{background: darkgreen; color: white;}

#home{background: midnightblue; color: white;}

#home-score{background: royalblue; color: white;}

#away{background: orangered; color: white;}

#away-score{background:indianred; color: white;}



#possession{background: greenyellow;}

#down-yard{background: darkcyan; color: white;}