Hello, this is the CameraFi Studio team.

This is the guide on how to apply custom CSS to the Baseball Lineup 1 widget.

Baseball Lineup Widget 1 - Applicable Areas

#widget: Entire widget area

#team-name: Team name area

#team-logo: Team logo area

#lineup-text: "LINE UP" text area

#player-list: Batting order number area

#player-number: Batting order background area

#player-name: Player name area

#player-position: Player position area

Detailed Customization

You can apply various customizations such as gradients, text adjustments, hiding elements, rounding areas, etc.

1. Background Gradient

background: linear-gradient(

/top color #ed6518 /opacity 0%, 

/bottom color #353e48 /opacity 40%)

2. Text Spacing

font weight font-weight: 900;

font size font-size: 3vh;

letter spacing letter-spacing: 0.3vh;

3. Hiding Elements

display: none;

4. Rounding Areas

border-radius: 1vh;

- Note: "vh" is a ratio applied based on a maximum value of 100.

- You can customize color codes and numbers as you wish, except for the parts in Text.
- If there are overlapping areas with the scoreboard's id values and you want to apply customizations differently, you need to wrap all the lineup custom CSS with the lineup class below.


/* Custom code { enter your CSS here; Refer to Customization Example 2 for application;}


(For scoreboard-only application, use ".SCOREBOARD{}", for match info-only application, use ".MATCH-INFO{}")

Customization Example 1

#widget {

  background: linear-gradient(#FF669E 0%, #000000 40%);


#lineup-text {

  font-weight: 900;

  font-size: 3vh;

  letter-spacing: 0.3vh;


#player-number {

  border-radius: 100vh;

  background: #FF669E;


#player-name {

  border-radius: 1vh;

  background: white;

  color: #000000;


#player-position {

  border-radius: 1vh;

  display: none;


Customization Example 2

Applying font to the entire area, hiding positions, and setting batting order colors.

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Edu+AU+VIC+WA+NT+Hand:wght@400..700&family=Merriweather:ital,wght@0,300;0,400;0,700;0,900;1,300;1,400;1,700;1,900&family=Platypi:ital,wght@0,300..800;1,300..800&display=swap');

* { font-family: "Platypi", serif; }

#widget {

  background: linear-gradient(#FF669E 0%, #000000 40%);


#lineup-text {

  font-weight: 900;

  font-size: 3vh;

  letter-spacing: 0.3vh;


#player-number {

  border-radius: 100vh;

  background: #FF669E;


#player-name {

  border-radius: 1vh;

  background: white;

  color: #000000;


#player-position {

  border-radius: 1vh;

  display: none;


#player-list {

  color: black;
